

You have truly touched our hearts with Sprite and his story. We have been married over 30 years and have had several dogs, many from a shelter, all of which were the greatest in each of their own way and always the center of the family. It is one thing when they grow old or have some infirmity that you can somewhat prepare yourself. We had neither when we lost our Rascal, a sheltie/pomeranian mix. Rascal had an enemy, the next door neighbor who simply hated dogs and would have nothing to do with them. We were leaving one Sat. morning to go out of town for the weekend when Rascal began acting very funny, spasms, loss of muscle tone. Of course we were heartborken when we found out that there was nothing we could do to save him and that Rascal had in fact been poisoned.

We did not have the funds to perform the autopsy, all of the tests they wanted to do, etc. just to try and prove what had poisoned our Rascal and even then if it turned out to be a household product it was difficult to “prove” who did it. Possibly with a crusader like you Mr. Levin we could have gone forward, but it was all we could do to bury that little dog and go on with life. several years later, we still have some of his toys, around the house.

To this day, we still talk about him and tears still come to our eyes. We learned that same weekend that 4 other dogs on our street also died from the same type symptoms. thank you for allowing your readers to have this opportunity. We listen to you every weeknight and Rascal’s memories come back so strongly. We will never forget that little dog that used to sleep on our bed, meet us at the door and literally smiled when he saw you. It took some time for us, but we have rescued another dog and watch over him night and day. take care and God Bless you.

Barbara & Phil from Florida