
Listener Stories

A Tale of Two Chi-Chis

Minko is a fawn female Chihuahua that was being kept in a cat cxarrier. Her owners were young and dumb and unable to care fror the dog. She was flea infested and covered in her own waste. My daughter rescued her and my wife adopted her. Obviously, one chi chi is not enough, so Chip the puppy came home with my wife. They are quire a pair.

Marshall From Alabama

It Reminds Me Of Jojo

I don’t have a photo of my dog at the moment, but anyway. I play the Levin show in Colorado Springs for 740 KVOR AM. So I hear about Sprite and I think its so sad. My friend/2nd family had a border collie/dalmation mixed named Jojo and every time I hear Mark Levin talk about his dog Sprite it reminds me of Jojo. My friend moved out of her exs house but had to move into an apartment so unfortunately she could not bring Jojo along with her, so she left Jojo with her ex. We went down occiasionally and saw Jojo and played video games, then her ex finally decided he didn’t want her. He took Jojo to the Humane Society and they told him that they couldn’t take Jojo because she was too attached to the family unless he signed a waiver that they could put her to sleep, so he decided to look around places to adopt, they called Dream Works but they were full and they took her to 4 Paws but they wouldn’t take her because she was too attached and timid of strangers, so he took her back to the humane society and signed the waiver. I am very upset that there isn’t more that could have been done for this poor dog, she was put to sleep because she loved her family too much.

Amy From Colorado


Yuki making the best of a hole in the sock.

Steve From Texas

Beloved Beagle

Small son, age 6 looses his beloved beagle, Lou. After 2 days of crying I attempt to make him feel better by relaying the following anticdote. “Lou is in a much better place. He’s happy in heaven chasing rabbits.” So my boy has a perplexed look on his face and says, “So beagle heaven is rabbit hell?” Enjoy O Great ONE.

Dave from Texas


We found Pruett on the side of Pruett Rd. on our way to dinner. Someone had dumped her out of their car on a country road. We almost ran her over, but when I got out and walked back to see if she was still there, she ran right into my hands. At 5 or so weeks, she has been a great pet. They say your pets pick you and not the other way around, that’s certainly the way both my cats came into my life. I wouldn’t be happier with cats that cost hundreds of dollars.

Sean from Florida


I found Shade on an island on Chilhowee Lake in Tennessee. Someone had taken the time and made the specific effort to drive her to the island in a boat. They removed her collar, put her on the island and stranded her there alone. Then they left the island. She was abandoned. Then along came Douglas, my Golden Retriever, and I. We boated to the island late in the day near dark five months ago for the purpose of tying off the boat and spending the night on the floor of the boat. To shorten the story; Douglas growls deeply at around 11PM and out of the thicket came a black dog. It approached the boat carefully and cautiously. I could not get it to come close. A little dog feed was offered and that did the trick. The black dog came close enough for me to grab hold and lift it into the boat. Camp trip was over.

Nothing was more important than getting this animal to safety and inspecting it for obvious medical problems. The engine was started and the boat was backed away from the shore, spot light turned on and away we went toward the far shore at a blinding ten miles per hour. The dog was a black lab and a female possibly 3 years old and about 75lbs.

At home I picked off many ticks and applied Front Line to protect from further infestation from ticks and mites. The vet was visited next day for a spay operation and vaccination and rabies shot. Heart worm tests were negative. And home we went. The Black Lab was named Shade and she quickly became one of the gang here at my place. Douglas, Happy, my rescue terrier, and Shade became great friends and all went to the lake with me and loved to share long walks to an old Civil War ruins. Shade loved to swim with Douglas and chase sticks I would throw into the water.
