
My Dog Sparky

I tuned in the other day listening to you talk about your new book that I am anxiously awaiting. You see, I lost my best friend and closest companion a couple of weeks ago. My dog Sparky (The Fire Chiefs Dalmatian, who would have guessed).  At 15 years old and watching his health deteriorate, I had to make the terrible, agonizing decision to end his suffering.

I am no stranger to death, with 32 years in the fire service, I have dealt with more tragedy, death and destruction than anyone should have to in the course of a career helping people. Among other things, I have pulled pieces of human beings out of the wreckage of numerous motor vehicle crashes,  put dead burnt children into body bags and made death notifications to families and yet I have NEVER had any event hit me this hard.

Sparky was the communities dog as well, he came to work with me every day here at the Fire Department and anxiously greeted any visitor that happened by. He would visit the schools with me to help bring my message of fire safety to the children. He could stop, drop and roll on command and demonstrate how to crawl low in smoke. This week is fire prevention week and for the first time yesterday I had to give my presentation without him and field questions from the children about his death. If anything the kids learned that even big, strong firemen will cry under the right circumstances.

So here I am, trying to deal with the immense hole in my life. My family and friends have tried to help, but I really don’t feel that they understand. After all, It was only a dog….. I am really hoping that there will be something in your book that will help.

Thank You,     

William from Alaska


2 Responses

  1. Tony Says:

    Very emotional story William! GOD bless you & Sparky.

  2. Jamie Says:

    I truly understand what you are going through. I lost my dogs, my 2 best friends this year. One in July & one in Sept. They took my heart & soul with them. I feel when I’m around most people I have to “act” OK. Mr. Levins book, and this website have been a God send.